FACT....Today for the first time 7500 Teenagers will drink Alcohol
FACT....Today for the first time 3577 Teenagers Smoked Marijuana
FACT....Today for the first time 4348 Teenagers Tried an Illegal Drug
What is Alcohol Poisoning?
Alcohol poisoning is the state of having a toxic amount of alcohol in the blood. The condition usually occurs after a person consumes a large amount of alcohol over a short period. Approximately 2,200 people die from alcohol poisoning in the United States each yea…
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, continues to be the most popular illicit drug in 2024. However, it is important to note that this drug is now legal for medical and or recreational drug use in some states.
Isotonitazene is powerful synthetic opioid. It's estimated to be 20 to 100 times more powerful than fentanyl, which is an already-very potent opioid drug.
Also known as ISO, Isotonitazene has been identified in toxicology reports for overdose deaths that has occu…